Light Design

Illuminating your web presence

You can save a post with the Save command in the File menu or the corresponding button on the toolbar (button_save). Saving a post is necessary if, before finally publishing it, you want to interrupt your work. By default, BlogDesk will automatically save the current post every 5 minutes. You can deactivate the SmartSave feature in the options dialog.

By default, BlogDesk will use the title of the post to automatically build a filename, so you don't need to enter one yourself. You can deactivate the SmartSave feature in the options dialog.

You can open a post (draft) using the Open command in the File menu or the correspondig button on the toolbar (button_open). In this Open-Dialog you can also choose a template or a post that has been already published. If you open a Published Post, this post will be read-only. But as soon as you save this post, BlogDesk will create a copy that you can change and republish.